Qualification : M.Sc,Ph.D.
Specialization : Environmental Microbiology
Designation : Assistant Professor

DESIGNATION: Assistant Professor
B.Sc.  (1990): University of Calcutta
M.Sc. (1992): University of Calcutta
B. Ed. (1994): University of Calcutta
PhD (2000): University of Calcutta
TELEPHONE: (+91) 9830392492
E-MAIL: drmalini.basu@gmail.com



  1. Qualified, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (1993)
  2. NRS AWARD (2003 – 2005): Department of Health & Human Services, PHS, NIH, Maryland, USA
  3. NIH Fellow (2000 – 2003): Dept. of Pediatrics, RB&C Hospital, Cleveland, OHIO, USA
  4. NIH Fellow (1998 – 2000): Dept. of Pediatrics, RB&C Hospital, Cleveland, OHIO, USA
  5. NIH Fellow (1998 – 1998): Dept. of Molecular Biology, LRI, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA
  1. Best poster award :
  • AMI – 2013 : International Symposium, JNU, New Delhi, India
  • RAMT – 2017 : National Conference, Techno India University, Kolkata, India
  • IconSWM  – 2016: International Conference, JU, Kolkata, India



  • Assistant Professor & HOD, Dept. of Microbiology, Dhruba Chand Halder College, Dakshin Barasat, WB, India (2019 – till date).
  • CWTT, PG Dept. of Microbiology, Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, Kolkata (2010 – 2019).
  •  Senior lecturer; Dept. of Microbiology, ISAR, Kolkata (2007 – 2010).
  • Senior lecturer; Dept. of Biotechnology, NSMT, Kolkata (2006 – 2007).
  • RA, Dept. of Microbiology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata (2005 -2006)
  • Staff/RA, Dept. of Pediatrics, RB&C Hospital, Cleveland, OHIO, USA (2002-2005)
  • Post-Doctoral Research, Dept. of Pediatrics, RB&C Hospital, Cleveland, OHIO, USA (2000-2002)
  • Post-Doctoral Research, Dept. of Molecular Biology, LRI, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, USA (1998-2000)


  • 2019 – till date: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, Dhruba Chand Halder College, WB, India
  • 2010 – 2019: Faculty; Dept. of Microbiology, Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College Kolkata
  • 2007 – 2010: Senior lecturer; Dept. of Microbiology, ISAR, Kolkata
  • 2006 – 2007: Senior lecturer; Dept. of Biotechnology, NSMT, Kolkata
  • 2014 – 2016:Guest lecturer; Dept. of Microbiology, WBSU, WB.


  1. Member of Academic Sub-committee, RUSA, Laboratory, Cultural and Routine committees, Dhruba Chand Halder College, Dakshin Barasat, WB, India (202
  • 2015 – 2018: Coordinator, BOOST Implementation Committee (DBT-WB), BRS College.
  • 2015 – 2018: Head-Examiner: UG, Microbiology, West Bengal State University.
  • 2014 (Jun 12 – Jul 02): UGC Sponsored Spl. Summer School, Academic Staff College, CU.
  • 2010 – 2019: Research Committee member of BRS College.
  • 2010 – 2014: Examiner: UG, Microbiology, West Bengal State University.
  • 2010 – 2011: PG-Co-ordinator, Department of Microbiology, BRSC, Kolkata.
  • 2007 (Jul 18 - Aug 14): UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme, Academic Staff College, CU.


        • Organizing co-ordinator, National symposium:-

Organizing Coordinator, National Symposium, Microbiology, BRSC, Kolkata. Feb 13 -14th (2010).

        • Attended sysmposium:-

2020 –  M Basu. UGC-CPE Funded 7 Day Workshop on Analytical Techniques and Chemical Analysis for Biological Research. Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, Departments of Zool, Bot & Microbiol
2020 –  M Basu. International Seminar on ‘Women in Science’. Prof. J. J. Ghosh Foundation and Lady Brabourne College, Advanced Res Centre for Biochem & Microbiol, Department of Microbiology. Kolkata, 7th January, 2020.
2017 - P Dutta and M Basu*. Comparative study of lead uptake potential of some lead tolerant bacteria isolated from paint and battery industrial sludge. Recent Treands in Microbiology, RKMV, WB, Jan 14
2016 - P Dutta, I Mallick, A Ghosh and M Basu*. The 6th International Conference on Solid Waste Management (IconSWM), organized by Jadavpur University, Kolkata, WB, India. Nov 24-27
2016 - M Basu*, P Dutta and i Halder. 57th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India: Nov 24-27, 2016, organized by Gauhati University, Assam, India.
2016 - D Halder, P Dutta and M Basu*. National Conference on New Avenues in microbiology and Biotechnology; Challenges and Prospects: Mar 18 -19, 2016. Organized by Microbiology, WBSU.
2015 - D Halder, P Dutta and M Basu*. 56th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologist of India (AMI): organized by School of Life Science JNU, New Delhi, India. Dec 7 – 10.
2014 - D Halder and M Basu*. National Conference on Advancing Biology through Technology and Computation, Organized by Microbiology, WBSU, Aug 22nd.
2013 - D Halder, E Biswas and M Basu*. 54th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologist of India (AMI): Nov 17 – 20. Organized by MDU, Rohtak, Haryana, India.
2013 - D Halder and M Basu*. 54th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologist of India (AMI). Organized by MDU, Rohtak, Haryana, India, Nov 17 – 20.
2012 - D Halder, KA Paswan, A Chowdhury, M Basu*. 81st Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Chemists (SBC). Kolkata, India, Nov 8 – 11.
2012 - S Deb, SF Ahmed, D Halder and M Basu*. 81st Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Chemists (SBC). Kolkata, India, Nov 8 – 11
2012 - S Deb, SF Ahmed and M Basu*. UGC Sponsored National Symposium at St. Andrews College, Kolkata, India. Jan 18.
2011 - M Basu: National conference on CME in Immunology, Organized by Department of Zoology, WBSU, Nov 4-5.
2010 - M Basu: B.C.Guha Symposium for Young Investigators-2010. Organized by Department of Biotechnology, CU, Apr 9-11.
2010 - M Basu: Symposium on Challenges of Teaching Microbiology in UG Colleges, Organized by Centre for Modern Biology, CU, Sept 25.
2009 - M Basu: National Workshop on Application of Bioinformatics in Today’s Experimental Biology, Organized by BIF-DBT, WBUT, Sept 09-11.
2009 - M Basu: International Symposium on System Biology and Proteomics in Biomedical Science, Vedic Village, Kolkata, March 27-29.
2008 - M Basu: International Symposium on Complex Diseases: Approaches to Gene Identification and Therapeutic Management, HGM 2008 Satellite Symposium, SINP, Kolkata, Sept 25-26.
2007 - M Basu: Frontiers in Biological Research, Viswabharati, Santiniketan, SBC, Aug 3-5.
2004 - M Basu and T. G. Blanchard. Digestive disease week. New Orleans, LA, USA. Gastroenterology 126: A-403, May 15-20
1997 - M Basu and A. K. Paul. National workshop on Environmental Pollution and its Management, Nov, India.
1997 - M Basu and A. K. Paul. National Conference on Recent Trends of Researches in Microbiology and Plant Physiology, Oct, India.
1996 - M Basu and A. K. Paul. National symposium on Recent Trends in Microbiology, Feb, India.
1995 - M Basu and A. K. Paul. 46th Annual Session of the Academy of Environmental Biology, Symposium on Chemopollutants and Sustainable Ecosystems, Nov, Hyderaba..
3. Presented paper/delivered talk on :-

    • M Basu*, P Dutta and i Halder. 57th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India: Nov 24-27, 2016, organized by Gauhati University, Assam, India, 2016.
    • D Halder, P Dutta and M Basu*. 56th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologist of India (AMI): organized by School of Life Science JNU, New Delhi, India. Dec 7 – 10, 2015.
    • M Basu and T. G. Blanchard. Digestive disease week. New Orleans, LA, USA. Gastroenterology 126: A-403, May 15-20, 2004.
    • M Basu and A. K. Paul. National Conference on Recent Trends of Researches in Microbiology and Plant Physiology, Oct, India, 1997.
    • M Basu and A. K. Paul. National symposium on Recent Trends in Microbiology, Feb, India, 1996.
    • M Basu and A. K. Paul. 46th Annual Session of the Academy of Environmental Biology, Symposium on Chemopollutants and Sustainable Ecosystems, Nov, Hyderabad 1995.


                • Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI)
                • Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), India
                • The Society of Biological Chemists (SBC), India



  • Project title: Microbial diversity of the heavy metal polluted industrial zones of West Bengal: A search for bioindicator.

Granted by:  DBT, WB. Sanction No: [BT (ESTT)/RD-33/2014], India
Amount: Rs.32,34,960.00/-  
Duration: 3 years (2015-2018)

  • Project title: Study of heavy metal bioremedial potential of the microbial flora in the polluted environment of the predominant industrial belt(s) of West Bengal.

Granted by:  UGC, MRP, Sanction No: [PSW-146/13-14], India
Amount: Rs. 2,80,000.00/-  
Duration: 3 years (2013-2015)

  • Project title: Modulation of macrophage in response to Helicobacter pylori from gastric biopsies.

Granted by:  DBT, WB. Sanction No: [77 - BT(ESTT)/RD-33/10]: India
Amount: Rs. 19,75,850.00/-  
Duration: 3 years (2010-2013)

PhD Project title: Studies on Some Aspects of Microbial Detoxification of Chromium

PhD Project Description:-  Survey of Chromium contaminated enviroments of West Bengal for Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Sediment samples for isolation of Chromium resistant bacteria. Tolerance for Chromium resistance was assessed both by qualitative and quantitative measures. Highly potent chromium tolerant straints were characterized morphologically, biochemically and physiologically. The mechanism for Chromium Tolerance was also determined and conditions for maximum biosorption optimized. The strains were eventually identified also.


S. Dey, P. Dutta, M. Basu (2019). Screening of halotolerant, extracellular enzyme producing bacterial isolates from Sundarban Soil. J. Botan. Soc. Bengal 73(2), 69-80.

  • MK Ghosh, D Chakraborty, S Sarkar, A Bhowmik and M Basu (2019). The interrelationship between cerebral ischemic stroke and glioma: A comprehensive study on recent reports. Signal Transduction & Targeted Therapy (NPG) 4:42, 1-13. (IF= 5.873)
  • M Basu and MK Ghosh (2019). Helicobacter Pylori Infection Leads to Colorectal Cancer Development: A Major Scientific Debate. Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 3(5): 22-23.

S Bhattacharya, D Chakraborty, M Basu, MK Ghosh (2018). Emerging insights into HAUSP (USP7) in physiology, cancer and other diseases. Signal Transduction & Targeted Therapy (NPG)2018 Jun 29; 3:17. (IF: 5.873; Ci - 32)

  • A Bhowmik, M Basu and MK Ghosh (2017). Design, synthesis and use of peptoids in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Frontiers in Biosciences 9,102-109.(IF: 2.5; Ci - 3)
  • A BanerjeeY, M. BasuY, TG. Blanchard, SR Chintalacharuvu, W Guang, EP Lillehoj and SJ Czinn (2016). Absence of catalase reduces long-term survival of Helicobacter pylori in macrophage phagosomes. Helicobacter 9, 211-216. (IF: 4.106).
  • D Halder, P Dutta, A Mondal and M. Basu* (2016). Isolation and characterization of Halophilic Bacteria from Sunderban Soil. Intl J Life Sci Scientific Res. 2, 442-450.  (IF: 2.4)
  • I Paul, M Basu and MK Ghosh (2016). CHIP (Carboxy Terminus of HSC70 Interacting Protein. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules. Springer.
  • D Halder and M. Basu* (2016). Role of Pseudomonas stutzeri MTCC101 in Cadmium Bioremediation. Intl. J. Curr. Microbial and Appl. Sc. 5(2), 139-148 (IF: 2.937)
  • P Dutta, I M, A Ghosh and M Basu* (2016). Study of some predominant arsenic resistant bacteria from soil samples of industrial zones of West Bengal, India. The 6th International Conference on Solid Waste Management (IconSWM) Proceedings. 
  • P Dutta, D Halder and M. Basu* (2016). Multimetal resistance potential of indigenous bacterial genera of sea shore soils of Andaman Islands of India. J Adv in Biol & Biotechnol. 8(1), 1-10. ISSN No: 2394-1081.
  • D Halder, E Biswas and M. Basu* (2014). Amylase production by Bacillus cereus strain BRSC-S-A26MB under optimal laboratory condition. Intl J Curr Microbial and Appl. Sc. 3(6), 1035–1047. (IF: 2.937)   
  • D Halder, KA Paswan, A Chowdhury, E Biswas and M. Basu* (2014). Characterization and cell immobilization of a potent amylase producing mesophilic soil bacteria Bacillus cereus strain BRSC-S-A26MB. J Mycopathol Res. 52, 11-19. ISSN No: 0971-3719


  • S. Deb, SF. Ahmed and M. Basu* (2013). Metal Accumulation in Cell Wall: A Possible Mechanism of Cadmium Resistance by Pseudomonas stutzeri. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 90, 323-328. (IF: 1.191)
  • S. Deb, A. Guha and M. Basu* (2010). Response of some gram negative bacteria to Copper, Nickel and Manganese. J Bot Soc Bengal 64, 137-142. ISSN No: 0971-2976.


  • M. Basu, S Basu and A. K. Paul (2008). Influence of environmental factors on the uptake of chromium by Pseudomonas stutzeri TEM-317 isolated from tannery sludge. J Mycopathol Res. 46, 285-91. ISSN No: 0971-3719.
  • Y. Matsumoto, T.G. Blanchard, M.L. Drakes, M. Basu, R. W. Redline, A. D. Levine and S.J. Czinn. (2005). Eradication of Helicobacter pylori and resolution of gastritis in the gastric mucosa of IL-10-deficient mice. Helicobacter 10, 407-415. (IF: 4.106)  


  • M. Basu, S. J. Czinn and T. G. Blanchard (2004). Absence of catalase reduces long-term survival of Helicobacter pylori in macrophage phagosomes. Helicobacter 9, 211-216. (IF: 4.106).
  • M. Basu and A. K. Paul (2001). Studies on some chromium-resistant bacteria isolated from waste sediments. Rec Tr Res Microbiol Pl Physiol Ind., pp57-61.


  • M. Basu and A. K. Paul (1999). Chromium resistant soil actinomycetes; their tolerance to other metals and antibiotics. Acta Microbiologica Immunologica Hungarica 46, 25-32. (IF: 0.568).
  • M. Basu, S. Bhattacharya and A. K. Paul (1997). Isolation and characterization of Chromium resistant bacteria isolated from Tannery Effluents. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 58, 535-542. (IF: 1.191)



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